Larry Jordan II Buffalo NY


An Ascension Tower is a type of telecommunication tower that is designed to be modular and scalable, allowing it to be quickly and easily expanded or upgraded as needed.  The inventor, Larry Jordan II Buffalo, has assigned to Standard Ascension Tower all patent rights to manufacture and marketthe Ascension Towers worldwide, in perpetuity.

There are several benefits of Ascension Towers, including:

1.    Flexibility: Ascension Towers are designed to be modular, meaning that they can be easily expanded or upgraded as needed to accommodate changes in demand or new technologies.

2.    Scalability: Because Ascension Towers are modular, they can be scaled up or down depending on the specific needs of a particular location or application.

3.    Lower cost: Ascension Towers are typically less expensive than traditional tower designs, as they require less construction and maintenance.

4.    Faster deployment: Because Ascension Towers are modular and require less construction, they can be deployed more quickly than traditional towers, which can be a significant advantage in emergencies or in areas where coverage is urgently needed.

5.    Reduced environmental impact: Ascension Towers typically require smaller footprints than traditional towers, which can help to reduce their impact on the environment.

6.    Improved coverage: Ascension Towers are designed to be highly adaptable and can be customized to provide optimal coverage for specific locations or applications.

7.    Sustainability: Ascension Towers require smaller footprints than traditional towers, reducing their impact on the environment.

8.    Reliability: Ascension Towers are designed to provide reliable, high-quality coverage for mobile data and voice services, helping to ensure that users can stay connected even in remote or challenging locations.


Analysis of current mobile towers

Workers no longer have to climb

Worker safety is the main motivation for this project, and a big part of keeping the workers safe is eliminating the climbing of the cell phone towers. The fewer climbers/workers needed to service the tower, the sooner the redesign will pay for itself. Limiting the number of climbers will also mean fewer opportunities for injury.

 Mobile network threats to labor

1.    Fall hazards: Workers who climb or work at heights on mobile towers may be at risk of falling, which can result in serious injury or death.

2.    Electrical hazards: Mobile towers carry high-voltage electrical current, and workers may be at risk of electrocution if they come into contact with live wires or equipment.

3.    Structural hazards: Mobile towers can experience structural failures, such as collapsing or leaning, which can cause injury or death to workers who are working nearby.

Factor of Safety

The factor of Safety is an engineering specification that can be used to describe any number of mechanical systems. It is the theoretical maximum load or stress that a system can take divided by the load that will be placed on the structure.

Number of carrier slots

Cell phone towers are operated by more than one company, as an overarching entity owns the tower and rents space on the tower to providers. As a result, the number of carrier slots is directly proportional to the profitability of the tower and is a specification that should be maximized. 

Translational motor power output

 A motor of some variety will be vitally important in this design scenario since it will be used to raise and lower the antennas making climbers obsolete. The only specification about the motor that is of concern at this point is the power output since that is the spec most directly linked to lifting.

Weight of individual antenna

The weight of the antennas is important as it dictates the strength motor that will be needed to lift the antennas into place. The antenna weight should be minimized under the required design and functionality constraints. Structural cross-section The cross-section of the tower will be vital in determining the pressure and stresses on the tower.

Thermal properties

Many of the locations of cell phone towers experience severe weather conditions which must be taken into account. Temperature can affect the size, and ductility of nearly all metals, and precipitation could cause corrosion.

Oxidizing agent concentration of the coating

A weather-resistant paint is necessary for a structure that is outside. It can help combat the effects of temperature, by acting as an insulator and help prevent corrosion. The coating slurry is comprised of oxidizing agents at a minimum concentration of 10 grams/liter such that the passive film is compact and continuous.

Ascension tower objectives

Base material yield strength

The weight of the cell phone tower may increase considerably with the redesign. As it stands now, the base is strong enough to act as a sturdy foundation, but analysis must be performed to determine the new necessary strength.

Height of tower

The towers need to be a certain height so that they can provide maximum coverage for their providers.


Easy to work on

If all the work can be done at ground level, the maintenance time will be reduced drastically. This would also make it possible for cell phone companies to have their technicians work on the antennas rather than hiring specialized workers.

Other carriers stay in service when work is being done

Lowering one carrier at a time is a necessity. The only carrier that can be affected by the work going on in the tower is the provider receiving maintenance.

Antennas come to ground

 A system where the workers are brought up to the antennas using a raised platform is feasible but is not as good as lowering the antennas. Any time workers are at a great height there is the potential for serious injury and death. If the antennas come to the ground, the workers are no longer placed in danger.

Multiple carriers

 Cell phone towers must be able to hold the necessary equipment for more than one cell phone carrier.

Adjustable antennas

The position of the antennas affects the coverage provided by that carrier so the antennas must be able to be adjusted.


As the towers may need to be worked on at any time of day or night, the motors in use cannot be loud.



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